Carol Turner

Nursery Knitwear

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Lily Goes to Ballet

Just completed another bunny, she is a  lovely cream coloured bunny named Lily. Ballet Buuny

She is based on Debi Birkin’s Bunty Bunny. She measures 11″ and is knitted in DK.

Ballet Bunny3

She is quite a performer, loves practicing her moves.

Ballet Bunny2 Her little tutu is made up of three skirts layered on top of each other, and she has a little ballet wrap to complete the outfit.Ballet Bunny 4

The ballet wrap is in garter stitch and an easy little knit.  I am in the middle of writing up the pattern and hope to publish it free on the blog soon.

Ballet Bunny1

I’m sure any little girl who is into her ballet, would love a bunny like Lily in her room!






Nellie & Neville

Among the projects I completed last month were two more little elephants.


Not sure why, but whenever I knit an elephant I always feel the need to make a matching one of the opposite sex!

Nellie Elephant

Nellie is 11″ tall and is knitted in a grey DK yarn on 4mm needles. Thought I would dress her for a day at the seaside, so selected some red and a couple of shades of blue yarn from my stash to achieve a nautical look.

Nellie Elephant 2

Dress has a little sailor collar.

Nellie Elephant 3

A red bow completes the outfit.


Neville is just a little taller  measuring 12″ I used the same colours to make his outfit, a blue and white stripey sweater and a pair of baggy red overalls.


Will have to knit them an ice-cream to complete their day at the seaside!